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Standard Terms and Conditions Of Acceptance of Advertisements

Living Life Publications Ltd
Company Number: 14720712
VAT Registration: 439 5301 90


1. Applicability

These conditions shall apply to all advertisements, insets, inserts, sponsored articles, or features (‘advertisements’) accepted for inclusion in hard copy editions of publications published by Living Life Publications Ltd under licence from its licensors. Any other proposed condition shall be void unless incorporated clearly in written instructions and specifically accepted by Living Life Publications Ltd. For the avoidance of doubt, these terms and conditions do not apply to advertisements in digital or electronic editions of Living Life Publications Ltd.

2. Advertisement Acceptance

All advertisements are accepted subject to Living Life Publications Ltd’s approval of the copy and the space being available.

3. Competitions and Special Offers

If an advertisement includes a competition or special offer of merchandise other than that normally associated with the advertised product, full details must be submitted at the time of booking.

4. Right to Omit or Suspend Advertisements

Living Life Publications Ltd reserves the right to omit or suspend an advertisement at any time for good reason. In such cases, no claim for damage or breach of contract shall arise. If omission or suspension is due to the Advertiser’s act or default, the reserved space shall be paid in full even if the advertisement does not appear. Living Life Publications Ltd will notify the Advertiser of such omissions or suspensions as soon as possible.

5. Modifications and Alterations

Living Life Publications Ltd may modify the space, date, or position of an advertisement if necessary. The Advertiser has the right to cancel if such changes are unacceptable unless due to an emergency or circumstances beyond Living Life Publications Ltd’s control. While every effort is made to avoid mistakes, Living Life Publications Ltd does not accept liability for any loss arising from the late appearance or non-publication of an advertisement.

6. Advertiser’s Warranties

The Advertiser warrants that the advertisement is not illegal, defamatory, or an infringement of any third-party rights, including compliance with the British Code of Advertising Practice. Where required, the country of origin of goods advertised must be clearly stated to meet applicable legal and regulatory standards.

7. Indemnity

The Advertiser indemnifies Living Life Publications Ltd fully against any claims arising from the advertisement. Living Life Publications Ltd will consult with the Advertiser regarding how such claims are handled.

8. Advertisement Rates

Advertisement rates are subject to change. Orders are accepted on the condition that the price binds Living Life Publications Ltd only for the next issue to press. In the event of a rate increase, the Advertiser may cancel the order or continue at the revised rates.

9. Cancellation of Advertisement Programmes

If an Advertiser cancels an agreed advertisement programme (except under clauses 5 or 8), any pre-agreed series discounts will be forfeited. Advertisements within the programme (published or unpublished) will be charged at standard rate card rates.

10. Discounted Rates for Series Orders

Discounted rates for a series of advertisements apply only if the order is completed within 12 months of the first insertion. Failure to comply will result in all advertisements in the series being charged at standard rate card rates.

11. Payment Terms

Accounts must be settled within 14 days of the invoice due date. Overdue accounts may result in suspended insertions and reduced commission for advertising agencies. Interest may be charged on overdue amounts at the maximum rate permitted by law. All gross display advertising rates are subject to the current Advertising Standards Board of Finance (ASBOF) surcharge, which Advertisers or their Agencies are responsible for collecting and paying.

12. Additional Costs

Living Life Publications Ltd reserves the right to recover additional costs arising from

the Advertiser’s or their Agent’s acts or defaults. Complaints about advertisements must be made in writing within one calendar month of the publication date.

13. Cancellation or Suspension of Insertions

A minimum of 4 weeks' written notice prior to the copy date is required to cancel or suspend an insertion. After this period, the Advertiser will be liable for the full rate.

14. Copy Instructions

If copy instructions are not received by the agreed date, Living Life Publications Ltd cannot guarantee that proofs will be provided or corrections made. The most appropriate copy may be repeated.

15. Risk of Advertiser’s Property

Advertisers' property, artwork, etc., is held at the Advertiser’s risk. Advertisers' materials will be returned upon request via Royal Mail post and at the risk of the owner. Living Life Publications Ltd reserves the right to destroy all artwork which has been in its custody for 12 months from the date of its last appearance.

16. Advertiser Artwork

The Advertiser is liable for all published artwork. If Living Life Publications Ltd designs the artwork, it will make every effort to ensure its accuracy; however, it is the Advertiser’s responsibility to carefully check any proofs before print. This applies to adverts in the magazine and other print materials.

17. Data Protection Compliance

The primary purpose of these conditions is not to process personal data. To the extent personal data is processed under these conditions, both parties will comply with all applicable requirements of the Data Protection Legislation. The Advertiser is the data controller, and Living Life Publications Ltd is the data processor. Both parties shall ensure compliance with the relevant obligations outlined in the Data Protection Legislation.

18. Governing Law

These Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute concerning these Conditions (including non-contractual disputes) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

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